Monday, October 24, 2011

A Creativity Vein.........

I am not sure..... who came up with this. But, I think it is pretty neat! As, I was driving home this after noon, I began to think about the role of each hand.... the role of each person to make this happen! Wow!
Perhaps this post should be titled something like...... a part of the whole. That is what God calls us to be and do, isn't it? To just do our part so that others may do theirs! And together He weaves it all together to make something beautiful. We don't always see the tangible evidence of the beauty.... but it is there. Perhaps this is a good reminder...... that our parts are crucial and that things would/ will be incomplete..... if we neglect our role for the kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this and thought it was great! I love your application!
